
亞洲手創展-手帳插畫IP書封限定包票組XPhyllis CHUA_In the garden



  1. 僅為電子票券,現場請使用手機兌換。
  2. 此票券可於2023亞洲手創展期間,於展會「手帳專區」限量兌換預購之設計手帳,含插畫者書封以及2024年曆合計1套(定價999元) 
  3. 本預購商品加贈「2023亞洲手創展x單人單日進場電子票券1張」,可憑電子票券驗票並蓋手章進場,當日不限進場次數。
  4. 限量兌換預購之設計手帳,請憑電子票卷到「手帳專區」掃描QRCODE,領取商品,不另運送。 (展會入場券原價280元) 
  5. 2023亞洲手創展 將於 11/16-11/19 在松山文創園區三、四、五號倉庫舉辦。
  6. 若無法參加2023亞洲手創展到「手帳專區」領取商品 ,請將


EAN: 4710000749491 貨號: 2023ticketnote-PhyllisCHUA2 分類: 標籤: , ,


Behind The Cover 封面背後的故事

Artist/Creator Interview 藝術家/創作者專訪


Q1. Tell us about yourself as an artist/creator. 請向我們簡要介绍一下您作為一位藝術家/創作者的背景和經歷。

我是蔡詠涵Phyllis Chua,來自馬來西亞,定居於台灣的藝術家兼原創印花設計師。
I am Phyllis Chua, a Malaysian artist and surface pattern designer based in Taiwan.
Graduated from theDepartment of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, I did not aspire to be an anthropologist,
but instead fell in love with colors and patterns.
Inspiration for her work comes from nature, mainly flowers,plants and flying animals.
She enjoys traveling and appreciating exotic and diverse cultures, and blends these inspirations into her creations,
turning them into colorful and elegant artworks. From time to time, she participates in joint exhibitions abroad,
and organizes solo exhibitions and international commercial licensing exhibitions every year.


Q2. What inspired your cover design for Mossery? 是什麼啟發了你的這個封面設計?

因為Mossery是馬來西亞品牌,而自己又是來自馬來西亞和擅長手繪植物,因此創作了「Freedom under the blue sky」,
另一個作品是「In the garden 」靈感來自充滿生命力的植物園林。
As Mossery is a Malaysian brand, and being from Malaysia and specializing in hand-painted plants,
created ‘Freedom under the blue sky’, in which red Hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia,
and green butterflies fly freely along with the Hibiscus .
Another work is “In the garden” inspired by a garden full of life.


Q3. Describe your artistic style and influences. 請描述一下您的藝術風格和受到影響的因素。

Born in Malaysia and raised in a garden,
most of my art creations are inspired by childhood memories (the green world of plants).
Later on, I majored in Cultural Anthropology in college,
which added a cultural worldview to my artwork, enriching it with values.
I am good at combining different media to increase the sense of layers in my artwork,
and my main media are watercolor,technical pen, ink, and copic markers, forming a complex style of creation.


Q4. What was your creative process for this design? 請分享一下您這個設計的創作過程。

The first step was to gather information, hand draw the elements and color them with watercolors,
technical pen, inks, and copic markers , and finally edit them in Photoshop to create a complete and story-filled pattern.


Q5. Did you face any challenges during the creation? How did you overcome them? 在創作過程中是否遇到了任何挑戰?如果有的话,你是如何克服它們的?

因為我非常熱愛創作,創作幾乎占滿我的生活,並且樂此不疲!! 我認為持續創作能讓生命散發光彩、創造無限可能!
No, I don’t. Because I am so passionate about creating that it pretty much takes over my life and I can’t get
enough of it! I think that creating consistently brings out the best in life and creates endless possibilities!


Q6. Are there specific themes or messages you wanted to convey through the cover? 你希望通過這個封面傳達哪些信息?

Through these two covers, I hope to spread the beauty and vitality of nature to more people.


Q7. What is creativity mean to you? 創意對你而言是什麼

The miracle of life & the artist’s inner expression.



Q8. What emotions do you hope people feel when they see your cover? 您期待別人看到你的封面時,它會帶給人們什麼樣的情緒?

Feel the elegance, warmth, beauty and vitality of nature. It is as if you were inside the cover,
following the colorful butterflies as they flutter freely and without restraint!


Q9. What advice do you have for aspiring artists or creators who want to make their mark in the industry? 對於那些初入行的藝術家或創作者,你有什麼建議?

The first step is to know yourself, what motivates you, what skills you specialize in, etc., and to be consistent!