
亞洲手創展-手帳插畫IP書封限定包票組X吉鹿小舖_Miss Lucky Hare



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Behind The Cover 封面背後的故事

Artist/Creator Interview 藝術家/創作者專訪


Q1. Tell us about yourself as an artist/creator. 請向我們簡要介绍一下您作為一位藝術家/創作者的背景和經歷。

Hello everyone, I’m Lotus, the creator behind Jingle Deer Creative Shop.
I’ve always enjoyed hands-on activities since I was young, such as making dolls, clothes, and crafts.
After graduating from horticulture, I worked for a few years and then joined an artist’s studio as an assistant.
In that environment, I rediscovered my passion for painting and have since been pursuing my creative journey.



Q2. What inspired your cover design for Mossery? 是什麼啟發了你的這個封面設計?

My inspiration for the Mossery cover design came from a fortunate rescue by the Taiwan Rabbit
Saving Association—a story of a hare that was released back into the wild after being save.
Despite facing challenges, this hare grew up smoothly and returned to the forest.
I depicted “Miss Lucky Hare” holding a four-leaf clover,which symbolizes luck and is one of the hare and rabbit’s foods.



Q3. Describe your artistic style and influences. 請描述一下您的藝術風格和受到影響的因素。

My artistic style revolves around themes of nature and animals that I personally adore.
My style has been influenced by European satirical illustrations.
Despite working at an artist’s studio for five years, my creative style is quite different from artists,
but their passion and perspective on creation influenced me a lot.



Q4. What was your creative process for this design? 請分享一下您這個設計的創作過程。

We have a pet rabbit at home and have been consistently following rabbit and animal-related issues.
While pet rabbits and hare are not the same species, they share a similar appearance.
I noticed that hares, which were common in my parents’ generation, face significant survival pressures.
To express my support, I created a series of illustrations featuring hares.
For the cover design, I chose “Miss Lucky Hare,” a rescued hare,
and paired it with prints of baby hares for the back cover.
This combination aims to create a naturally vibrant and lively atmosphere.



Q5. Did you face any challenges during the creation? How did you overcome them? 在創作過程中是否遇到了任何挑戰?如果有的话,你是如何克服它們的?

The most challenging part is generating ideas; the rest is a race against time, hoping to complete the work within the designated time frame.


Q6. Are there specific themes or messages you wanted to convey through the cover? 你希望通過這個封面傳達哪些信息?

Through this cover, I hope to convey the message of luck and well wishes.
I want people to feel blessed and fortunate when using the “Miss Lucky Hare” notebook.


Q7. What is creativity mean to you? 創意對你而言是什麼

Creativity is a source of joy in life for me.
While I enjoy designing various things, not everything can be physically created.
Drawing allows me to bring these ideas to life more easily, so designing animal outfits, scenes,
and various items in the world of Jingle Deer Creative Shop brings me immense happiness.


Q8. What emotions do you hope people feel when they see your cover? 您期待別人看到你的封面時,它會帶給人們什麼樣的情緒?

I hope the cover evokes a sense of healing through the depiction of animals and nature,
providing a feeling of relaxation and joy.Additionally, I wish for the artwork to stimulate imagination,
offering readers a storybook-like experience.


Q9. What advice do you have for aspiring artists or creators who want to make their mark in the industry? 對於那些初入行的藝術家或創作者,你有什麼建議?

For aspiring artists or creators entering the industry,
my advice is to set goals for yourself and work diligently to achieve them.
Don’t focus too much on trends or others’ opinions, but instead, try various approaches to find your unique voice.