
亞洲手創展-手帳插畫IP書封限定包票組X Dazzle Pixel Studio – Londoner



  1. 僅為電子票券,現場請使用手機兌換。
  2. 此票券可於2023亞洲手創展期間,於展會「手帳專區」限量兌換預購之設計手帳,含插畫者書封以及2024年曆合計1套(定價999元) 
  3. 本預購商品加贈「2023亞洲手創展x單人單日進場電子票券1張」,可憑電子票券驗票並蓋手章進場,當日不限進場次數。
  4. 限量兌換預購之設計手帳,請憑電子票卷到「手帳專區」掃描QRCODE,領取商品,不另運送。 (展會入場券原價280元) 
  5. 2023亞洲手創展 將於 11/16-11/19 在松山文創園區三、四、五號倉庫舉辦。
  6. 若無法參加2023亞洲手創展到「手帳專區」領取商品 ,請將


EAN: 4710000788803 貨號: 2023ticketnote-Londoner 分類: 標籤: ,


Behind The Cover 封面背後的故事

Artist/Creator Interview 藝術家/創作者專訪


Q1. Tell us about yourself as an artist/creator. 請向我們簡要介绍一下您作為一位藝術家/創作者的背景和經歷。

I am an oil painter and recently started illustration.
I recently exhibited in London and Taiwan this year.

2020 油畫作品“Indian Woman Carrying 6 bricks on her head, smiling” 獲得日本 Mellow Art Award – Special Prize
2020 – 2022 第一屆至第四屆台灣品牌 TRAVELER T-shirt 印花設計比賽得獎作品
2022 英國油畫聯展 Vogue 4th Edition Group Exhibition – Boomer Gallery, London
2022 台灣醫療口罩品牌 ABIS 合作案 – 醫療口罩印花設計
2022 香港品牌 AYES T-shirt 印花設計比賽得獎作品
2022 受香港品牌 AYES邀請,與 12 位香港藝術家合作參與 WE NFT Project
2022 與100位台灣藝術家合作參與 Atlantis-P NFT Project
2023 台灣護膚品品牌 廣源良 合作案 – 福兔版絲瓜水的包裝設計
2023 英國油畫聯展 The Holy Art Fair – OXO Tower, London
2023 台灣油畫個展 路易莎咖啡LOUISA COFFEE – 台北民權西路門市
2023 台灣油畫個展 In Saloon 映餐酒沙龍 (Coming Soon)
2024 台灣油畫個展 Yolo Moment (Coming Soon)



Q2. What inspired your cover design for Mossery? 是什麼啟發了你的這個封面設計?

I used to live in England, and London is one of my favorite cities.
I love their traditional architecture and classy lifestyle.
It matches perfectly with our topic “讓喜歡的事成為生活”


Q3. Describe your artistic style and influences. 請描述一下您的藝術風格和受到影響的因素。

My artworks are usually inspired by my travel experiences and I love using a lot of bright color in my art.


Q4. What was your creative process for this design? 請分享一下您這個設計的創作過程。

This design is based on a photo that I took while traveling in London.
It is based on the street scene of Baker Street, London.
I love using bright color in my design as it brings people happiness.
Something that surprised me is that the elastic band of the book falls in a place where it looks like a lamp post to me.
It matches the background perfectly.


Q5. Did you face any challenges during the creation? How did you overcome them? 在創作過程中是否遇到了任何挑戰?如果有的话,你是如何克服它們的?

The London street scene doesn’t exactly fit the cover so I use a bit of my own imagination while drawing.


Q6. Are there specific themes or messages you wanted to convey through the cover? 你希望通過這個封面傳達哪些信息?

I hope people can travel more and write down your schedule / travel plan with this notebook.


Q7. What is creativity mean to you? 創意對你而言是什麼

Creativity is not just the ability to create art.
It can be anything that we see in our daily life.


Q8. What emotions do you hope people feel when they see your cover? 您期待別人看到你的封面時,它會帶給人們什麼樣的情緒?

I hope it brings you joy 🙂


Q9. What advice do you have for aspiring artists or creators who want to make their mark in the industry? 對於那些初入行的藝術家或創作者,你有什麼建議?

Keep creating. It’s never too late to chase your dream.