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EAN: 4710000750251 貨號: 2023ticketnote-hugoday 分類: 標籤: , ,


Behind The Cover 封面背後的故事

Artist/Creator Interview 藝術家/創作者專訪


Q1. Tell us about yourself as an artist/creator. 請向我們簡要介绍一下您作為一位藝術家/創作者的背景和經歷。


Hello everyone, my brand name is “Hugo.day_” , you can call me “HUGO” for short.
I’ve loved drawing since I was little. Whether I’m happy, sad, or angry, I can express myself through drawings.
I started creating this brand because I wanted to document the joyful and interesting little things in daily life.
I hope that these sweet and silly daily stories can bring a smile to friends who are dealing with the stresses of modern life, allowing them to relax and unwind for a moment.


Q2. What inspired your cover design for Mossery? 是什麼啟發了你的這個封面設計?


【Seeking Memories at Dusk】Dusk bridges the gap between day and night,
signifying the hope to capture and record all the beautiful memories and moments we wish to hold onto each day.
The act of seeking represents how in our everyday lives, we are constantly creating various memories,
meticulously documenting every little detail in a journal, preserving each passing day.
When one day in the future we revisit these records,there will be numerous heartfelt smiles,
as we embark on a journey to rediscover those cherished memories.


Q3. Describe your artistic style and influences. 請描述一下您的藝術風格和受到影響的因素。

I love all sorts of cute and soft little things, and I’ve embraced a style of simple illustration. While drawing,
I simultaneously weave small stories into these creations, using them to both create and heal myself.
This process allows me to document the small moments of life while also recalling the scenes of those times.
As I continue to draw, my happiness grows, gradually giving rise to more and more adorable stories.


Q4. What was your creative process for this design? 請分享一下您這個設計的創作過程。

II hope everyone can record their own memories at any time in their daily lives,thereby illuminating their own worlds.
The design within the thicket of grass symbolizes that even when one is amidst chaos and oppression,
the characters in the image each hold a flower to light their own path ahead.
This signifies the ability to rely on their own memories to illuminate the way forward, even in challenging and uncertain circumstances.


Q5. Did you face any challenges during the creation? How did you overcome them? 在創作過程中是否遇到了任何挑戰?如果有的话,你是如何克服它們的?

從來沒有做過書封,這一些經歷真的很有趣~ 沒有其他特別的困難~
I’ve never made a book cover before, so these experiences have been quite interesting.
There weren’t any particular challenges either.


Q6. Are there specific themes or messages you wanted to convey through the cover? 你希望通過這個封面傳達哪些信息?

I hope to convey the idea of illuminating life through recording memories with the cover!
Finding beauty in ordinary life to heal oneself and create joyful memories.


Q7. What is creativity mean to you? 創意對你而言是什麼

Recording every moment of life, whether it’s easy, sad, or difficult, encompasses a range of emotions.
Providing oneself and others with memories that bring a knowing smile and a healing sense of happiness.
Sometimes it appears suddenly, like a shooting star streaking across the sky, and I need to quickly capture it with my hand, preserving it in its most beautiful moment.


Q8. What emotions do you hope people feel when they see your cover? 您期待別人看到你的封面時,它會帶給人們什麼樣的情緒?


I hope to make everyone feel a sense of fun, cuteness, and optimism as they look forward.
Despite life being full of challenges and chaos, we can rely on our own hands to illuminate everything ahead.


Q9. What advice do you have for aspiring artists or creators who want to make their mark in the industry? 對於那些初入行的藝術家或創作者,你有什麼建議?


No need for any worries! Just keep creating and building up your body of work.
Although there might be hesitations during the creative process, as long as you start and take that first step, every footprint represents your growth!