
亞洲手創展-手帳插畫IP書封限定包票組XA Moment With_ Grow in hope with Vibi



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Behind The Cover 封面背後的故事

Artist/Creator Interview 藝術家/創作者專訪


Q1. Tell us about yourself as an artist/creator. 請向我們簡要介绍一下您作為一位藝術家/創作者的背景和經歷。

尚肶肶兔及A Moment With ••• 的所有都是我(肶肶媽媽)跟先生(肶肶爸爸)共同創造出來的。
畢業後一直是個market researcher/ Analyst。肶肶爸爸本身是一位graphic designer,一直以義務的身份作為我們的設計師。
我們於2021年於香港誠品書店開設3個月的pop up store,從那天起我開始了全職手作生涯,主理A Moment With•••這個品牌。

Vibi the bunny (肶肶) & “A Moment With•••” were created/ established by me and my husband in 2018.
We adopted Vibi from HKRS 7 years ago. He had some illnesses and quite often he need to see doctor, however,
he was brave and very energetic. We could feel how positive he was and how much he enjoyed his life.
He left us in 2018 due to his eye illness. We were so sad as we lost our dearest son.

We do need to help ourselves to get out from sadness and we started our healing journey.
We decided to establish “A Moment With •••” to extend our love to other abandoned animals through donation.
And we were self-healing through developing our handicraft product and at the same time our product heals other pet owners.
I love handcrafting since I was small. But in HK, people usually learn something that can make more money or get a job easier,
I was one of them, I studied marketing at university and worked full time as researcher/analyst after graduation.

My husband was a graphic designer and he is a “graphic design volunteer” @ A Moment With••• .
9 years before, I started picking up leathercraft by chance and I learned the technique from a leathercraft master Ryan till now.
And we got an opportunity to set up a pop-up store for 3 months at Eslite HK in 2021, since then, I started my full-time handcrafter life.
We, 2 human plus 1 rabbit, born and raised in HK, want to showcase our story to people outside Hong Kong and to go through the healing process together with other animallovers.

Q2. What inspired your cover design for Mossery? 是什麼啟發了你的這個封面設計?

This is our first time to design a schedule book cover. These few years were a hard time for everyone in the world.
With Vibi the bunny, HK Lion Rock hill/ coastline, Dandelion and bubble,
we want to encourage everyone to leave the comfort zone, move ahead,
expecting something good and be hopeful in 2024.
Just like what we did (attending our first exhibition in Taiwan,sharing with others about HK handicraft)


Q3. Describe your artistic style and influences. 請描述一下您的藝術風格和受到影響的因素。

肶肶的顏色就是只有白色,啡色(他本尊的真實顏色),而且我們本身亦是偏愛earth tone。
我們會選用最簡單的顏色配搭,所以手帳亦只用turquoise 跟白色為主色。
“Be original, be ourselves” and “Keep everything simple” are our motto. We believe the
most beautiful thing is the “original” “real” thing.
Vibi is a bunny in white & light brown.
And coincidentally, we love earth tone, original colour is our favourite colour for leather.
While for other materials like paper, we use simple colour combination,
just like this schedule book, the main colors are turquoise and white.


Q4. What was your creative process for this design? 請分享一下您這個設計的創作過程。

然後就是想好了主題,再畫可以代表主題的事物 (蒲公英,泡泡) 去表現出來。因為想突出肶肶,所以其他的圖案都以最簡單的方法畫出來。
Since Vibi is new to a lot of people, we wish to introduce him to all of you so, he is the main
character on this schedule book. Then we decide the theme and draw the graphics like
dandelion, bubble to tell the story. To make Vibi more outstanding, we keep other graphic simple.


Q5. Did you face any challenges during the creation? How did you overcome them? 在創作過程中是否遇到了任何挑戰?如果有的话,你是如何克服它們的?

Deciding the theme should be the biggest challenge.
Not only to draw Vibi on the schedulebook, but we also wish the schedule book is meaningful to everyone,
so, we decide the theme before we draw all the other graphics. We wish everyone be hopeful and go further in next year.


Q6. Are there specific themes or messages you wanted to convey through the cover? 你希望通過這個封面傳達哪些信息?

蒲公英的花語 是成長,希望,療癒肶肶坐在一個泡泡上,乘載著自己很愛的出生成長地,香港。
“Take a deep breath, grow in hope.”
We use Dandelion and bubble for the cover design.
Dandelion is a symbol of “grow, hope and healing.”
And Vibi is on a Bubble, carrying lion rock hill and coastline from HK (inside the bubble),
taking off with Dandelion, to somewhere unknown, with hope.
We wish everyone including ourselves have a nice move in 2024, taking off from our origin,
Hong Kong, to somewhere unknown, with hope.
“Take a deep breath, grow in hope.”


Q7. What is creativity mean to you? 創意對你而言是什麼

創意對我們來說是最珍貴的事, 是獨一無二的。每個人都擁有,只在於你有沒有好好把它發揮出來。
Creativity is the most unique and valuable thing to us. We believed that everyone has creativity and depends on how you unleash it.


Q8. What emotions do you hope people feel when they see your cover? 您期待別人看到你的封面時,它會帶給人們什麼樣的情緒?

Peaceful and expecting good things in future.


Q9. What advice do you have for aspiring artists or creators who want to make their mark in the industry? 對於那些初入行的藝術家或創作者,你有什麼建議?

就如我們的其中一個手作品所寫的: 「常存希望,平安快樂。」
Be kind, be hopeful, with a peaceful mind, and you will be happy.