POPUPASIA 與清邁大學旅遊研究與發展中心簽署合作備忘錄,攜手推動亞洲旅遊與文化發展
台北,台灣 — [2025.3.5]
亞洲手創展主辦方POPUPASIA 今日宣布,已與泰國清邁大學旅遊研究與發展中心(CTRD)簽署合作備忘錄(MOU),雙方將共同致力於推動亞洲區的旅遊與文化發展。
此次合作旨在結合 POPUPASIA 在展會推廣領域的專業經驗與 CTRD 在旅遊研究和可持續發展方面的深厚實力,雙方將在以下領域展開合作:
- 資源共享與知識交流:雙方將共享研究成果和市場資訊,促進亞洲各地文化和旅遊資源的交流與合作。
- 共同策劃活動:合作舉辦文化交流活動和旅遊推廣活動,提升亞洲地區旅遊業的整體吸引力。
- 推動可持續旅遊:結合 CTRD 在可持續旅遊方面的專業知識,推動 POPUPASIA 的會展活動和項目朝向環境友善和社會責任的方向發展。
POPUPASIA 表示,期待與 CTRD 的合作能夠拓展在亞洲地區的市場影響力,吸引更多旅遊愛好者關注和參與,共同促進亞洲旅遊與文化的繁榮發展。
亞洲第一個以新興品牌業者與商業交流為核心的商業展覽會,從品牌創業者的角度出發,聚焦亞洲生活風格產業趨勢,提供想要掌握最新市場脈動的貿 易商、通路商、授權商與企業採購,能在此進行更多跨界交流,展開更進一步的深度商業合作。

Research Interests – Center of Tourism Research and Development (CTRD), Chiang Mai University
The Center of Tourism Research and Development (CTRD) at Chiang Mai University focuses on advancing knowledge and innovation in tourism to foster sustainable and responsible tourism development in Thailand (Northern Thailand) and the Greater Mekong Subregion. Our key research interests include:
1. Sustainable Tourism Development
o Community-based tourism (CBT) and local economic empowerment
o Sustainable tourism policies and best practices
o Ecotourism and conservation-driven tourism
2. Cultural and Heritage Tourism
o Preservation and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage
o Creative tourism and cultural industries
o Lanna cultural tourism and soft power strategies
3. Tourism Economics and Policy
o Tourism’s contribution to regional and national economies
o Investment models and financial sustainability in tourism
o Policy frameworks for tourism governance and planning
4. Tourism and Technology
o Smart tourism and digital transformation
o AI and big data applications in tourism analytics
o The role of social media and online platforms in tourism marketing
5. Tourist Behavior and Market Trends
o Changing travel patterns and emerging tourism segments
o The impact of generational shifts on tourism demand
o Post-pandemic recovery strategies and resilience in tourism
6. Gastronomy and Beverage Tourism
o Development of culinary tourism experiences
o Role of local food and beverages in tourism branding
o Community-based distilleries and their tourism potential
7. Cross-Border and Regional Tourism
o Mekong-Republic of Korea Cooperation (MKCF) and regional tourism initiatives
o Connectivity and collaboration in the Greater Mekong Subregion
o Cross-border tourism policies and development strategies
8. Wellness and Health Tourism
o Integrating traditional healing and wellness practices into tourism
o Wellness retreat models and medical tourism trends
o Sustainable wellness tourism destinations
9. Sports and Adventure Tourism
o Outdoor recreation and adventure tourism development
o The role of sports in tourism and destination branding
o Eco-friendly adventure tourism initiatives
CTRD is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary research collaborations and translating academic insights into real-world applications to support sustainable tourism development.
Researchers and the interests:
Researchers | the interests and research fields |
Dr. Korawan Sangkakorn | Tourism development, tourism policy, tourism managemeny |
Dr. Sudarat Auttharat | City planning, urban development, city development |
Dr. Sansanee Krajangchom | Gastronomy tourism, local product development, tourism product development, CBT, Agricultura tourism |
Dr. Rachapan Karapan | Culture, local product development, tourism product development, media, New media, |
Dr. Pachernwaat Srichai | Human development, local product development, tourism product development, social development, local area development, Human Capital Development |
Ms. Thitinadda Chinachan | Culture, Lanna Culture, Folklore |