


「Asia 10×10 Meet」整合來自海內外的100位創作者,50場主題式線上對談,在經歷過疫情動盪不安的時期,創作者們如何保持初心淘空歸零,堅持創作持續向前邁進,透過 Give & Take 交換禮物的祝福為彼此加油打氣。

Taiwan 創作品牌:初泥 Tru Nii / Lily & Alice
Thailand 創作品牌:Sitter / Chawanlapa
During COVID-19, what are the challenges and difficulties you face? And how does it affect your mental state?

Find ways to make yourself feel better.

Interestingly, Chawanlapa started Sitter because of COVID-19. She was originally an architect working in a firm, but left and turned to freelancing. However, right after she started as a freelance architect, the pandemic broke out. This guided her to rebrand her family business, which further became Sitter. Although the pandemic provided an opportunity to start this new brand, it also put challenges in front of Chawanlapa to maintain the operation of the business.

During COVID-19, people in Taiwan were afraid of going outdoors. Lily and Alice were concerned as well, but still had to head out for product delivery. Hence, they made a few changes on their shipping procedure. Firstly, they took full advantage of the newly launched service “i-Post Machine” that enables contactless shipping and encouraged customers to opt for this shipping option. Secondly, they chose to send out parcels during off-peak time slots to avoid as many human contact as possible. However, there were still positive changes. In terms of sales, unexpectedly, orders actually increased because more people stayed at home and started to plant. Moreover, the pandemic also let Lily and Alice care more about their health.

創作者們如何保持初心及持續支持自我創作的動力呢? 分享近期新作及靈感來源。
How to stay true to yourself and maintain creative motivation through the pandemic period? Show us your new creation during the pandemic.

It is our pleasure to see people being soothed by our products.

The framework of design thinking helped Chawanlapa a lot during the pandemic. Design thinking was one of the training Chawanlapa received at school as an architecture student. It was an approach to defining questions and brainstorming possible solutions to them. This framework was extremely useful for Chawanlapa to adapt quickly to the ever-changing environment with the pandemic going on.

For new products, Sitter launched a box set of plant nutrients, thoroughly designed by Sitter, from the ingredients to the package.

The new product Tru Nii launched is a vase. When the Taiwanese government urged people to stay at home, the flower market was shut down in response to the policy, and the merchants had to throw the unsold flowers away. Lily and Alice discovered this and felt sad for the flowers to be wasted at their flowering season. Hence, they bought some flowers from the shops, and designed this vase that can hold them. Apart from the functionality, Alice intentionally chose pink as the color of this product. Tru Nii believes that colors have a large impact on the atmosphere around it. With the light and dreamy pink, they hope to soothe people during this hard time and let people find peace back. As a brand, one of the biggest purposes of True Nii is to create a positive impact to society through their products. When receiving feedback from their customers saying how much they loved the products, Alice and Lily felt that they had achieved their mission. This is what kept them motivated at all times.

來自 Give & Take 的祝福,一份給予彼此鼓勵的交換禮物
Give & Take: Exchanging gift for encouragement

What Chawanlapa wanted to share with True Nii is the special box set mentioned previously. She hopes Lily and Alice would enjoy planting with the kit. In exchange, Lily and Alice prepared a cement pot with feet as a gift. This is one of their best selling works. The size and color design of the pot is suitable for almost any setting.


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