「Asia 10×10 Meet」整合來自海內外的100位創作者,50場主題式線上對談,在經歷過疫情動盪不安的時期,創作者們如何保持初心淘空歸零,堅持創作持續向前邁進,透過 Give & Take 交換禮物的祝福為彼此加油打氣。
Taiwan 創作品牌:Mr. Sheep / 楊奕德
Thailand 創作品牌:Moress / Porn
During COVID-19, what are the challenges and difficulties you face? And how does it affect your mental state?
The pandemic gave me a chance to finally take a break.
For accessories, apart from the aesthetics and design, people would want to try things on physically before they make purchases. Hence, it was difficult to push sales online when travelling out of the house was restricted. Moreover, not receiving any support from the government, shop owners in MORESS have been through difficult times. Despite the difficulty of online selling, Moress started to try out different market strategies. For example, they started to go live on Facebook to interact more with the customers.
On the other hand, Yang considered himself lucky. Mr. Sheep had only been selling online, with or without the pandemic. As a result, the sales actually increased after COVID-19 broke out. He even got more time to focus on new product designing, developing future business plans, and finally taking a small break.
創作者們如何保持初心及持續支持自我創作的動力呢? 分享近期新作及靈感來源。
How to stay true to yourself and maintain creative motivation through the pandemic period? Show us your new creation during the pandemic.
To keep things fresh and appealing to customers, MORESS launches a new series of designs every single month. The most recent launch is their “Ocean Collection”, inspired by turtles, going to the beach, and the color blue.
The repurchasing rate of Mr. Sheep’s products is low, hence it is not feasible to run a membership program on its website. To solve this problem, Yang came up with the idea of opening a fan page and introducing IP figures to the brand. Yang is also open to doing licensed business. For example, he has collaborated with Snoopy and Hello Kitty. During these collaborations, Yang learned a lot on how to build his own IP product strategically. He is now trying to expand his self-created characters’ belonging universe, hoping to push the follower numbers of Mr. Sheep’s to a hundred thousand within a year. Another campaign in progress is the animation project of the IP characters, which the topic is still under development.

來自 Give & Take 的祝福,一份給予彼此鼓勵的交換禮物
Give & Take: Exchanging gift for encouragement
The gift for Mr. Sheep is MORESS’ iconic product, charms bead and bangle; and the gift for MORESS is Mr. Sheep’s collaboration with Xia-Hai City God Temple (霞海城隍廟) recently. Yang hope this God of Relationships (月老) would facilitate a smooth and nice collaboration between Mr. Sheep and MORESS. Every element on the gift box is a lucky charm you could bring to the temple.