2021 年 11 月 11 日
「Asia 10×10 Meet」整合來自海內外的100位創作者,50場主題式線上對談,在經歷過疫情動盪不安的時期,創作者們如何保持初心淘空歸零,堅持創作持續向前邁進,透過 Give & Take 交換禮物的祝福為彼此加油打氣。
TW 創作品牌:One n Only Jewerly / Jill
KH 創作品牌:Chan Alanka / Chantrea Thorn
During COVID-19, what are the challenges and difficulties you face? And how does it affect your mental state?
In response to the new shopping behavior, businesses start to adopt digital transformation.
Cambodia has experienced several lockdowns since COVID-19 broke out. People were not encouraged to go out, needless to say to go to physical stores for shopping.
On the other hand, although the pandemic was relatively under control in Taiwan, the government has been enforcing strict policies to prevent it from worsening. Hence, the retail industry had been stopped for nearly two months. This is a big loss for those who depend highly on their retail business, Jill being one of them.
After months of staying at home, customers started to resume shopping — but this time, online. Under the new consuming behavior, sales of e-commerces has not been negatively affected. This trend, to many retailers, including Jill, is a great chance to adopt digital transformation. However, at the same time, another challenge was brought to the table: how businesses should position themselves to stand out from numerous competitors who all brought their shops online.
How to stay true to yourself and maintain creative motivation through the pandemic period? Show us your new creation during the pandemic.
Stay strong and continue on with what you are doing.
“I will not give up. I try to stay strong and continue on with what I am doing”, Chantrea said. She is aware of how important both physical and mental health is during hard times, and thus tries very hard to stay healthy in every aspect. Apart from this reason, to continue earning money, she found herself other income sources, and kept learning through online courses to prepare herself for more challenges.
Although many businesses are paused due to COVID-19, Chan Alanka managed to build a new collaboration with Evaan Market from France. Through Chantrea’s boss, she was introduced to the manager of Evaan Market, who then bought several products from Chan Alanka and promoted them on Evaan Market’s website. This helped Chan Alanka to gain exposure from overseas.
For Jill, COVID-19 also gave her an opportunity to rethink and relearn about her business. Since physical stores were not able to be run, she started to sell her products through livestream rooms, and gained insights on when in a day customers are the most active.
Beside switching channels, Jill also started to think about what new values she can provide to her customers. “During COVID-19, what is the underlying demand of customers that has not yet been satisfied?”, she asked herself. And she came up with a brilliant idea — an ear clip that stays on the upper side of your ear. The idea of this product is to provide an accessory that still pops out when you are with a mask and earphones.
Give & Take: Exchanging gift for encouragement
Chantrea picked a pair of earrings for Jill. “The meaning of this earring is ‘Moon’, which represents my name Chantrea”, she said. Sending this gift to Jill, she hopes to show her friendliness and let Jill feel confident when wearing it.
The gift Jill picked for Chantrea is the ear clip she just mentioned. “This ear clip was inspired by human interrelationships”, Jill said. She hopes to send some love to Chantrea through this gift.
Chan-Alanka-交換禮物 One-N-only-Jewerly_交換禮物