
WHITE HAT. Since 2013

Life is flower, Just like wearing a white hat and I love to draw a botanical of nature by colored pencils.
WHITE HAT. started in 2013 as a pen name of an illustrator who prefers to collect white hats. She always sees them laid near her working desk, so the alias raises its hand. WHITE HAT.’s signature is the mildly mellow drawing lines, synchronizing with details in flowers, animals and nature as her favorite illustrations. The colored pencil technique gives gentle, cozy but fathomless execution, showcasing the determined endeavor and effort of an artist. She wants her illustrations to be practically presented in several kinds of product. Flower illustrations infused with colored pencils, therefore, appear in heartmade products- postcard, art print to gloom your house and scarfs. WHITE HAT. is planning to launch clothes, bags and also home decoration items.